Today is the last day I’ll use months to measure the anniversary of Jonas’s death.

On June 11, I’ll start counting in years.

So yeah, it’s been 11 months since Jonas died. If it seems like I’ve only posted on Facebook about mental health awareness or suicide prevention, it’s because Jonas is always on my mind. Nothing else seems important enough to post any more. My perspective has changed considerably when weighing what’s most important in life.

Here’s why: I truly don’t want anyone else to go through what Jonas went through or what my family continues to go through. It’s heartbreaking. Excruciating. Unrelenting. Debilitating. And so I keep talking about the tough stuff and encouraging others to do the same.

That’s why I’m excited about two events happening next week.

On Monday, the high school boys’ volleyball team is talking about mental health. Jonas was #11 on the team, and the coaches and players were cool enough to retire his number. They also remembered him during their appearance at the state tournament last year, wearing armbands and writing #11 on their shoes. At Monday’s home game, they’re taking the opportunity to speak up and offer resources to those in need.

Then on Thursday, the Jonas Wagner “Viva la Vida” Memorial Scholarship will be presented to two deserving seniors. I’m looking forward to meeting the recipients.

#11months #jonas #justonenight